Energy in the right place
Developing good care together
De Drie Notenboomen has consciously adopted the franchising principle in order to bring our care concepts into the real world. The word ‘franchise’ derives from the Old French for ‘to free’. Franchising offers the possibility to replicate a given concept, with independent entrepreneurs taking the lead. This creates dedication and involvement on the part of those ‘on the front line’ of the concept, which in practice translates into a personal approach and care tailored to the individual’s needs.
Anyone wishing to adopt one of our care formulas enters into a five-year franchise agreement. By signing that agreement, they endorse the vision and philosophy that underpin the formula. The agreement also sets out the terms and conditions that govern the relationship between franchisor and franchisee. Only if those terms and conditions are met in full is the signatory entitled to use the concept name.
De Drie Notenboomen as franchisor
If care providers are to enjoy the freedom to operate as professionals, based on their own expertise and insights, De Drie Notenboomen has a clear task as franchisor. We must ensure that every franchisee can focus on his or her ‘core business’: the welfare of the residents, within the formulas we have developed.
We ensure that the essence of our care formulas is applied in practice, and we support our franchisees in several areas:
- Coaching, training and advice about business aspects
- Real estate development and maintenance
- Marketing and communication
- Financial expertise, financial administration and personnel management
- Ongoing quality assurance with regard to care and resident welfare
- Guidance in ownership transfer processes to ensure continuity.
We firmly believe that ‘the cobbler should stick to his last’, i.e. that everyone has their own area of expertise on which they must focus. We therefore allow our franchisees to exercise their professional discretion to the greatest extent possible. In providing our support services, we call upon various specialist external partners. This allows De Drie Notenboomen to remain a compact, small-scale organization. We believe this allows us to have the greatest possible impact.